Saturday, June 26, 2010

Nokia N8 vs. iPhone 3GS vs. Omnia HD vs. iPad

t is always interesting to compare devices and see which one comes up with the best results. And although the Nokia N8 already got compared with the Nokia N97, here is yet another comparison, only this time against more ”worthy” competitors such as the iPhone 3GS, Omnia HD, and the iPad.

This time the comparison is a little bit more detailed and compares the GPU and CPU, meaning the processing power and the graphics power of the devices. Take a look at the graph:

105834545 Benchmarked: Nokia N8 vs. iPhone 3GS vs. Omnia HD vs. 

The Nokia N8 is clearly the winner! If you take a look at the GPU (graphing processing) results, the Nokia N8 just takes over the competition without a problem, the iPad and iPhone 3GS are way behind the Nokia N8 in the graphic department, the numbers just demonstrate it. The CPU results, however, didn’t overtake the rest as much as the GPU, but the N8 is still proved to be a strong competitor. Lets also remember that the N8 has a 680mhz processor, which is not as powerful as Snapdragon and others but will assure a longer battery life, so one thing for the other. The last phase of the comparison showed how many triangles can each device push, and again, the N8 just smashed the competition and this time by a wide margin.

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